This lovely little board game is on display in the campus bookstore window. I find it just a little ironic that if I had a job, I could afford to buy this game and play it with my friends. But, as I do not have a job currently (at least not one I have much disposable income from) I cannot. Ha!
When I saw this all I could think of was how unmotivating this is to students who are, like myself, getting ready to graduate. Then I started to giggle because I was wondering if it was as fun as "Kill Doctor Lucky" from Cheap Ass Games.
A friend referred to this game as Monopoly for the 21st Century. I certainly hope not since I do need to get a real job post haste. In either case, I might try to pick up a copy of this just for the novelty of it. Yes, I know I said I didn't have a lot of disposable income, but I get to sell some books back soon, right? Right?! You will be taking my books back and not telling me that my Edition is out of date, right!???
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