Here I am, at the tender age of 28, and I had never seen a possum up close and in person before! Sure, I loved Over the Hedge that featured William Shatner (heretofore referred to as The Shat) and Avril Lavigne as the father and daughter possums, but those were computer generated balls of dead-playing cute.
Back on track. Chris had set out a trap on his front porch with the intention of catching the squirrels that were trying to nest in the eaves of his roof. Instead he caught a possum. He says it's only a little one, that they get to be much bigger! What have I gotten myself into by moving to Tennessee?! Possums, giant friggin bugs that camp out on my car and don't go away when I drive at high speeds (nice to meet you too, creepy katydid). Anyhow, I thought this little guy was just so adorable and despite the fact that you and I know he's hissing at me because he's stuck in a cage, I think it looks like he's smiling.
Chris set him free the next morning, by the way. There was no animal cruelty going on. He decided that it was a better idea to set him free in the backyard than to drive him far away and set him free. I was concerned with the little guy freaking out in the car and peeing on my n

Tonight, we were coming back from dinner and what do we see toddling across the street into the front yard but this little guy all over again! He ran down the driveway, scaled the trash bin and parked himself atop the garden hose coil and stared at me. It wasn't until Chris started shuffling his feet on the concrete patio that he finally snapped to and dove into a nearby bush. Brave little cuss. Chris thinks that his family has built their nest beneath the tarp covering some building materials on the front patio.
Technically, it's opossum and
Not so cute now, is he?