Thursday, June 17, 2010

Of rain, retail and migraines

It was super rainy and thundery today. I love a good storm, but the incoming pressure change gave me a migraine. My preferred method of curing a migraine is to pop a small handful of pills, down them with a swig or three of Diet Coke and then go to where there is a TON of artificial light. I know that sounds counter intuitive, but sometimes the steady, even light helps.

So I went to the hoity toity mall. In the hoity toity mall I went to the Williams-Sonoma (Chris' second favorite store after the Apple store) and while I was waiting for the clerk to check on inventory of a scrubby brush I like, I drooled a bit over the popsicle makers. The popsicles that I would make with that thing would be excessively tasty, but no where near as pretty as the ones on the box.

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